
I am a radio astronomer working as a Scientist at the Sqaure Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) headquarters at Jodrell Bank in the United Kingdom. Previously I did postdocs at Leiden Observatory, Leiden University in the Netherlands and at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. I did my PhD in Radio Astronomy at Leiden Observatory and my undergraduate and Masters at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. For more details see my CV below.

I study the evolution of radio loud Active Galactic Nuceli (AGN) mostly using low frequency radio continuum surveys. I am a member of the LOFAR Surveys Key Science Project. Links to my publications can be found below.

Curriculum Vitae


Leiden Observatory

Oct 2018 - July 2022


University of Hertfordshire

Oct 2015 - Sept 2018

PhD in Astronomy

Leiden Observatory

Jan 2011 - Dec 2015
Title: "Facets of radio-loud AGN evolution: a LOFAR surveys perspective"

Thesis available here


University of Cape Town

MSc in Astronomy
BSc Hons in Astrophysics and Space Science
BSc in Physics and Astrophysics


Work address

SKA Observatory
Jodrell Bank, Lower Withington
Macclesfield, SK11 9FT, UK


wendy.williams [AT] skao [DOT] int
